Friday, July 20, 2007

Finally, A New Post

Here I sit at 12:47 A.M. and decide that I need to do some blogging. I have not been knitting a lot lately. In fact, I haven't picked up the sticks in over a week. My time has been focused on practicing law, cleaning my house and losing weight.

DBF is coming home in less than two months and I am working on a "man room" for him. The catch, I have to clean it out. That is what happens when you move in home that a relative occupied, passed away and no one bothered to clean out. So once again I find myself sorting through boxes and bags of my family's past. Tonight I discovered the first thing I even knitted. At the ripe age of 9 I knitted a light purple vest. A very simple looking box of a vest but I eyed it tonight and the gauge was good, very consistent. Apparently, I was an OCD knitter then too. The funny thing is that I do not remember being that small. I could swear the vest was bigger. I also stumbled across the first skirt I ever sewed. (yes I sew too but rarely) I also found some old yarn. I could not bring myself to put this yarn in the car awaiting it's trip to Goodwill. I put it in a safe place to be introduced to the rest of the stash later.